Full Name
Simone Phillips
Job Title
Stokely Phillips Griffin Group, LLC
Speaker Bio
Simone Phillips is founder of the SPG Group, LLC Consultancy Firm, a company that provides professional and personal development training to non-profit, for profit, faith based organizations and individuals in the areas of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care, HIV+ Peer Development, Facilitation Skills, Stigma and Diversity. For the past 10 years Phillips has contributed to the production and execution of federally funded projects including the Peer Education and Training Sites Project (PETS) and the Peer Re-engagement Project (PREP) where she worked to build organizational capacity for peer utilization, provided training to equip peers and their organizations to improve HIV positive retention in care and facilitate HIV suppression through medical adherence. Additionally, Phillips has worked with the Illinois Department of Public Health Association and Washington University’s Project ARK on their Care and Prevention in the United States (CAPUS) Demonstration Project to accomplish the goal of optimizing linkage to, retention in, and re-engagement with care and prevention services for newly diagnosed and previously diagnosed racial and ethnic minorities with HIV. Currently, Simone Phillips serves as a Practice Transformation Coach for the Midwest AIDS Training and Education Center (MATEC) working with a local federally qualified health center to identify and treat HIV infection within their patient population.
Simone Phillips