Full Name
John Hannay
Job Title
Public Health Analyst
Speaker Bio
John Hannay is a public health analyst and project officer in the Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Branch of the HIV AIDS Bureau at HRSA. SPNS initiatives in which John has been involved are the Digital and Social Media (Lead Project Officer), Capacity Building Assistance to RWHAP Jurisdictions (Lead Project Officer), Opioid Systems Coordination, Housing and Employment Services, and Black MSM and Behavioral Health.
John has been involved in HIV work in the private non-profit and public sector since 1983. Before working in SPNS, John was in HAB’s Global HIV Program. Before his time at HAB, John did private consulting work related to HIV and a number of other public health issues and worked on HIV Prevention Issues for the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. John is a health educator by profession.
John Hannay