Guidelines for Abstract Submissions

Please read the following guidelines before completing your submission:

  • Use the same email address for both Registration and Abstract Submission, however do not register until you have been notified of your abstract submission.
  • You will be able to edit your abstract submission up until March 1, 2018.
  • If selected, what you write here will be published in our Abstract booklet. HRC does not edit your submission.
  • Please use standard capitalization.
  • You should receive a confirmation email if your abstract is processed successfully. Be sure to check your spam folder.
  • Acceptance notifications will be issued no later than July.
  • You cannot submit multiple abstracts at one time. Click Abstract Submission to begin a new abstract.

Registration and Payment for Speakers and Presenters

  • The speaker rate is $350
  • If you are submitting an abstract, please wait to register (and pay) until you are informed about the status of your submission. You are not required to register before submitting an Abstract.
  • If your submission is accepted you will be given a discount code to use at the time of registration.
  • The email you use to register must be the same email you use to submit an abstract.

Contact Us

For Registration, Scholarship and Exhibit Questions, please contact