Day 1







12:30PM EDT

Welcome and Introduction of Partner Organizations


HRSA representatives will deliver opening remarks on behalf of HRSA

HAB. Alex and Janet will introduce partners from HRSA, TFI/AU, and UCSF.

Laura Cheever Tracy Matthews


Alex Keuroghlian Janet Myers

12:30PM -

12:45PM EDT


Agenda/Logistics Review

Joseph Stango






1:45PM EDT

2iS Initiative Overview: Implementation, Technical Assistance, and Multisite Evaluation


Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the overall design, evaluation, and intended outcomes of the 2iS initiative.
  2. Understand the objectives and requirements relating to technical assistance (TA), curriculum development, and training (intervention- specific and focus area-specific)
  3. Understand the timeline for implementation, reporting, and

evaluation deliverables during Implementation Year 1




Milo Dorfman Damian Krebs


Starley Shade


2:00PM EDT









3:30PM EDT

Focus Area Cohort Activity and Presentations

This interactive session will allow sites to share about their organization and the steps they have taken since training towards implementation readiness.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Establish cross-site relationships and peer learning communities among intervention sites
  2. Complete a workflow analysis and identify processes where modifications will need to be made


Experience: Katie Kramer


LGBTQ+ Youth: Sabra Katz-Wise


Substance Use Disorders: Joseph Stango



Emily Phillips


4:00PM EDT









4:45PM EDT

Meaningful Involvement of People with HIV (MIPA)

Why is meaningful involvement critical in successful engagement and retention in HIV care? What are some best practices that organizations doing this well have adopted?


Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand how integrating MIPA principles into care can enhance engagement and retention in care
  2. Begin to examine how to strengthen the involvement of priority populations in the intervention and larger organization





Venita Ray


5:00PM EDT

Reconvene, Wrap Up, and Reflection

Joseph Stango

Day 2






12:15PM EDT

Welcome/Debrief of Day One


Alicia Downes


12:30PM EDT

Agenda/Logistics Review and Warm Up

Masill Miranda






1:45PM EDT

Focus Area Cohort Activity: Planning to Launch Your Intervention

Sites will discuss progress on their implementation planning sheet and practice peer-to-peer learning. They will have the opportunity to develop their planning sheet responses with peer and CCTA/EC support.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Draft responses for implementation planning sheets
  2. Identify specific implementation activity barriers
  3. Engage dialogue on strategies that address challenges


Experience: Katie Kramer


LGBTQ+ Youth: Sabra Katz-Wise


Substance Use Disorders: Joseph Stango


Telehealth: Emily Phillips


2:00PM EDT














3:30PM EDT

Breakout Sessions (please choose one)


A.  Evaluation Data Manager Breakout

All Data Managers (or designated representative) will participate in a workshop providing detailed instructions on the data entry portal


Learning Objectives:

  1. Become fully informed on all aspects of data entry for each data source
  2. Practice data entry



B.  Trauma-Informed Care

Participants will engage in a workshop designed to provide insight into enhancing current trauma-informed care practices, ensuring that clients are engaged via a whole-person approach.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand and apply trauma-informed care principles to 2iS interventions, processes, and workflows
  2. Gain strategies to identify gaps, enhance team communication to address them, and maintain champions’ drive to further trauma- informed practices


C.  Harm Reduction PrinciplesParticipants will explore the history and practical benefits of Harm Reduction Principles and meaningfully involving people who use drugs into the design, implementation, and improvement of their programs.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the history, theory, and practice of harm reduction
  2. Use best practices to assess their clinic’s/organization’s practices

related to harm reduction and find opportunities for improvement


A. Mary Guzé; Michelle Palomares


B. Laura Hinds


C. Christine Rodriguez


3:45PM EDT







4:45PM EDT

Outreach and Recruitment Strategies

Sites will discuss outreach and recruitment strategies to effectively to meet clients’ needs and project goals.


Learning Objectives: Participants will…

  1. Gain deeper insight into best practices for client outreach and recruitment during the current stage of the COVID-19 pandemic
  2. Brainstorm meaningful ways to engage hard-to-reach clients




Adrianna Boulin


5:00PM EDT

Wrap Up, Next Steps, and Closing Reflections

Closing comments and next steps by CCTA, EC, HRSA, and grantee closing reflections


Alex Keuroghlian