Convening Objectives:

Develop a national cohort of recipients that will serve as a learning collaborative on strategies to implement bundled interventions, assess potential refinements or adaptations to bundled interventions, address health inequities, and improve health outcomes for Black women living with HIV
Share strategies for centering racial justice in our organizations
Review multisite evaluation data collected to date and provide supplemental data collection training
Discuss strategies recipients have used to meaningfully involve Black women with HIV in all aspects of their programs


Day 1: Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021

12:00 - 12:30 pm ET Welcome and Introduction Heather Hauck, Office of the Associate Administrator (OAA), Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA)
Captain Tracy Matthews, HRSA
Natalie Solomon-Brimage and Corliss Heath, HRSA
Serena Rajabiun, University of Massachusetts, Lowell (UML)
12:30 - 1:00 pm ET Ice Breaker: Small Group Discussion
Participants will engage in randomized tabletop conversations to build relationships across sites and to level-set for the day's activities.
Natalie Solomon-Brimage, HRSA
1:00 - 1:30 pm ET Plenary: Year 1 update
The ETAP Team will provide a presentation update on important initiative progress, including highlights from programmatic and evaluative projects.

Learning Objectives
  1. Participants will understand major initiative milestones, including implementation, evaluation, and reporting
  2. Participants will understand the  implementation science framework utilized by the project, which includes periodic assessments, refinements, and adaptations
  3. Participants will understand upcoming BWF deliverables.
1:30 - 2:15 pm ET Meal Break Meeting Masters
2:15 - 3:00 pm ET Breakout: Site Presentations
Group 1. Red Carpet; Peer Engagement, Patient Navigation, Enhanced Case Management; Trauma-Informed Care - Abounding Prosperity, AIDS Care Group, Grady Health System
Group 2. Red Carpet; Peer Engagement, Patient Navigation, Enhanced Case Management; Stigma Reduction - AccessMatters, Positive Impact, UCSF Women's HIV Program
Group 3. Red Carpet; Peer Engagement, Patient Navigation, Enhanced Case Management; Intimate Partner Violence - AIDS Foundation of Chicago, Institute of Women and Ethnic Studies, Quality Home Care Services
Group 4. Red Carpet; Peer Engagement, Patient Navigation, Enhanced Case Management; Self-Efficacy, Health Literacy, and Resiliency-Alliance for Positive Change, City of Philadelphia, Volunteers of America Southeast Louisiana 

Participants will have the opportunity to engage their peers across the intervention domains. Sites will present implementation updates, challenges faced, and expected strategies they will use to achieve their program goals, particularly through the lens of the designated domain.

Learning Objectives
  1. Participants will understand the initiatives' intervention domains
  2. Participants will understand their cohorts' implementation plans and progress
  3. Participants will enhance relationships among their cohort.
1.  Simone Phillips, SPG Group and ETAP
2.  Rochelle Turner, Prism Health and ETAP
3. Nakesha Powell, Black Women's Health Imperative (BWHI) and ETAP Team
4. Alicia Downes, AU, and ETAP
3:00 - 4:00 pm ET Meaningful Involvement of Black Women with HIV in All Aspects of Our Programs
Participants will continue to engage the principles of Meaningful Involvement of People with HIV/AIDS (MIPA) and discuss strategies to ensure that their clients' needs, concerns, and ideas are meaningfully called-in to programmatic design.

Learning Objectives
  1. Participants will be able to discuss the principles of MIPA and their relation to their work
  2. Participants will reflect on their current practices and define how they have engaged and meaningfully involved of Black women with HIV in their program design and Consumer Advisory Boards.
Venita Ray, Positive Women's Network (PWN)-USA
4:00 - 4:15 pm ET Debrief & Wrap Up



Day 2: Wednesday, August 4th, 2021

12:00 - 12:15 pm ET Welcome and Grounding Exercise Alicia Downes, AU
12:15 - 1:45 pm ET Plenary: Centering Racial Justice in Our Programs and Organizations
Participants will engage materials to dive deeper into racial equity and how racism operates within organizations. We will establish a learning community, beginning with grounding information to build a mutual understanding of systemic racism and White Supremacy Culture.

Learning Objectives
  1. Participants will develop an understanding of how racism operates in organizations
  2. Participants will explore how to use tools to dismantle racism within organizations
  3. Participants will begin to identify priority areas to advance racial equity within their organizations.
Angela Wangari Walter, UML
Cecilia Flores-Rodriguez, UML
Linda Sprague Martinez, Boston University (BU)
1:45 - 2:30 pm ET Meal Break Meeting Masters
2:30 - 2:45 pm ET Energizer Cecilia Flores-Rodriguez, UML
2:45 - 4:00 pm ET Breakouts: Centering Racial Justice in Our Programs and Organizations
Participants will have the opportunity to engage in co-learning through deeper discussions with their team and other sites as they grapple with strategies to advance racial equity within their own organizations. Participants will identify strategies to advance their goals and workshop their ideas with the group.

Learning Objectives
  1. Participants will workshop priority areas and action plan strategies for dismantling racism, thereby advancing Black womxn's health at their sites
  2. Participants will begin to develop action plans to dismantle racism and advance racial equity within their organization
  3. Participants will engage in collective learning by sharing actions plans, giving and receiving feedback from the convening learning community
Angela Wangari Walter, UML
Cecilia Flores-Rodriguez, UML
Linda Sprague Martinez, BU
Natalie Solomon-Brimage, HRSA
4:00 - 4:15 pm ET Debrief & Wrap Up ETAP Team

Day 3: Thursday, August 5th, 2021

12:00 - 12:15 pm ET Welcome & Energizer Alicia Downes, AU
12:15 - 1:15 pm ET Breakout Sessions: Cohort Discussions
1. Red Carpet; Peer Engagement, Patient Navigation, Enhanced Case Management
2. Trauma-Informed Care
3. Stigma Reduction
4. Intimate Partner Violence
5. Self-Efficacy, Health Literacy, and Resiliency
6. Evaluation Session

Participants will have the opportunity to engage their peers across the BWF intervention domains. Each breakout group will discuss and address common challenges, barriers, and opportunities for implementation through the lens of the designated domain.

Learning Objectives
  1. Participants will reflect on commonalities between their programs as a means to develop a working learning cohort for the initiative
  2. Participants will discuss strategies to implement their bundled interventions and address anticipated challenges
  3. Participants will share ways they are tailoring their bundled interventions to meet the unique needs of their communities.
1.  Simone Phillips, SPG Group and ETAP
2.  Rochelle Turner, Prism Health, and ETAP
3.  Alicia Downes, AU, and ETAP
4.  Nakesha Powell, BWHI, and ETAP
5. Cecilia Flores-Rodriguez, UML and ETAP
6. Clara Chen, BU and Esther Jennings, UML
1:15 - 1:45 pm ET Meal Break Meeting Masters
1:45 - 2:00 pm ET Music & Stretching Alicia Downes, AU
2:00 - 3:00 pm ET Utilizing a Community-Based Participatory Research (CBPR) Approach to Share Your Story
The ETAP team will provide an overview of participatory and client driven research approaches. During this session the team will pay particular attention to arts based methods including: Photovoice, Story Telling, and Drama, which provide an engaging and creative way to elevate research priorities and questions important to clients that sites can use to document and disseminate experiences implementing tailored, bundled interventions with Black women living with HIV. An overview of CBPR will be provided, followed by  a panel of recipient sites, who will discuss their experiences with participatory and arts-based methods.

Learning Objectives
  1. Participants will increase knowledge related to participatory research approaches and client driven research.
  2. Participants will understand arts-based strategies for engaging clients in research and action.
Linda Sprague Martinez, BU
Judith Scott, BU
Recipient Site Panel
3:00 - 3:45 pm ET Plenary: Developing Your BWF Implementation Manual
Impact Marketing will share best practices and templates for use in crafting sites' BWF Intervention Manuals.

Learning Objectives
  1. Participants will understand all the components required and process to develop their BWF Intervention Manual
  2. Participants will be able to utilize provided materials in the development of their BWF Intervention Manual
Impact Marketing
3:45 - 4:00 pm ET Closing Remarks & Wrap Up Adan Cajina, HRSA