TRANScend Fall 2021 Grantee Convening

November 8-10, 2021
12:00 - 5:00 pm ET daily

In 2018, Gilead convened an Advisory Board with experts and community advocates from Transgender advocacy and healthcare organizations to more deeply understand the greatest needs of the Transgender community. This led them to invest in action—aligning with a commitment to support Trans-led organizations, working to improve the safety, health and wellness of the Transgender and Gender Non-conforming communities. Gilead's TRANScend Community Impact Fund through Destination tomorrow serves to elevate best practices and community-led solutions that improve the safety, health and wellness of the Transgender community by providing funding to community organizations working to end the HIV epidemic.  

The Gilead TRANScend Convening is an opportunity to engage with other TGNC led and focused organizations (or in some cases, projects), to network and build new relationships, and to hear from amazing TGNC experts from across the county.  

This meeting will combine both opportunities to skill build and to network and encourage rich conversation. Expect an interactive and interesting event on topics that are timely and relevant to your work. We know that virtual meetings can be difficult, but we are committed to this being a very worthwhile and enjoyable event for grantees.